Not yet dead. Not yet fully alive. But still pulling through.
Maybe my last post was a tad melodramatic. But in its full essence, that was how I felt. Past tense. Meaning I have moved on from that...hopefully to a world where I can make better sense of things.
The way life tends to sway from making dreams come true to making nightmares come to life... it scares me to even think of creeping up to the next curtain and peeking to see what lies in store for me.
For now I still keep my little wish lists in jars by my window protected by my dream catcher that sways, swept by the night wind. As the stars gleam looking on, reminding themselves of their distant memory of the wide eyed little girl on bended knees praying for her BIG dreams.
Well, the stars can be rest assured that the girl, not little anymore is still on her knees, no longer praying but fighting for her dreams. Although she no longer knows what those dreams are anymore, she just knows they are BIG and she will recognize them when she gets there. Till then, she keeps pushing forward, straining her back but learning at every step that she can achieve more than she assumed possible.

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