+= to walk his steps =+

i've learnt to tip toe
much like him
to inhale a breath or two
on those cold nights

those nights 
where your mind just needs to run
i take the same motions as he does
A box, a spark, a puff, a blow

No sound, just breathe
No sound, just the nite
No sound, just the sky
No sound, just my mind and I

Not one of his finer habits
Not one he’d be proud of that I picked up
But yet to walk in the same steps
Feel the same raw emotions

The same attempt for escape, 
but two different directions

+= Thank You =+

Dear you,
Thank you for finding the time to meet up.
Thank you for not blowing your top.
Thank you for taking the effort.
Thank you for being a remedy to the hurt.
Thank you for being so accepting of all that we are.
Thank you for sitting with me while i looked at stars.
Thank you for being here all this while.
Thank you for having your own style.
Thank you for not getting pissed with what I say. 
Even if we 'kutuk' u everyday.
Thank you for sticking up for us.
Thank you for joining in when we curse.
Thank you for offering your shoulder.
Thank you for being bolder.
Thank you for passing me the tissue.
Thank you for not making harping on the issue.
Thank you for twisting my brains a little.
Thank you for making me giggle.
Thank you for the songs you sing.
Thank you for the joy you bring.
Thank you for being so quiet.
Thank you for staying up though your tired.
Thank you for offering me somewhere i can run to.
Thank you for just being you.
Look how fast time has flown.
Look at how much we’ve all grown.
Maybe we’re older.
Maybe we’re not much wiser.
The travel may have been a little tough.
In time we may get busy with our own stuff.
But I know one thing for sure.
It’ll take years to find friendship like ours so pure. 

Special Dedication to  all you lovable people in my world. 
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