+= Puppet Turned Scapegoat =+

Amazing how my opinions, never affected your decisions
Amazing how what you felt, was more important than reason
Amazing how suddenly I, have been placed as the advocate for all your decisions
Amazing how I, am suddenly the cause of all this friction

Forgotten are the days when I asked you to look at things from a different point of view
Forgotten are the days when I asked you to walk in someone else's shoes
Forgotten are the days when I shed some light to a world you would have not have thought of
Forgotten are the days when I sighed for a battle not worth fighting for     

And yet today light has been shed on the situation
Tables have turned and fingers have been pointed
Awkward conversations and indiscreet silences
Brush offs and cold shoulders
In my direction no doubt

No one else knows of the going ons backstage
Yet the performances in the spotlight is all that matter
And you have executed your role flawlessly
As they say, life is but a stage play

Quiet as I lay
Cringing at the knifes that stab
The story will be left untold
For I remain the puppet turned scapegoat.


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